EID AL ADHA 2010 - saudi aramco, ksa

Saudi aramco 'Id Al Adha festival. It embodies all the elements that the festival showcases enclosed with a four-sided structure that stand for commitment, tranquility, mystique and resourcefulness. They are derived from the colours that occupy the four corners of the square. Each of the colours used also symbolize the meaning of 'Id Al Adha festival to traditional people in the region: Aqua Blue for trustworthyness, dependability and commitment; Green for tranquility and refreshing, it is the color of peace for ‘Id Al Adha. Yellow for optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Orange signifies fun and flamboyance. Purple embodies the balance of red simulation and blue calm. Its mystic appeal will make this ‘Id most thought-provoking. Magenta for innovation, resourcefulness and agilty White projects purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. The letters ‘Id Al Adha are written in white to give these qualities to the festival.