
Showing posts from August, 2012


Concept: Tree In this logo we can see two different shapes one is ‘V’ shaped structure and other is a tree shaped structure. These two shaped structures’ are more closely related to Ayurveda. ‘V’ represents leafs and combination of leafs represents tree. A strong typography is used and it is more attractive and which represents the product quality and shows company strengths. Trees and human kinds have always had a symbiotic relationship throughout the centuries. They provide us with fruits, flowers and medicines and trees have long life. Our products are similar to tree therefore we can say our products have long lasting quality. Here the structure of tree is a combination of leafs, it represents like leafs in air which feels like a breathing oxygen. Only one single colour is used for this logo that is green colour which increases the beauty for this logo. Green is the colour of nature, life, attractive beauty and it’s a restful colour and refreshing too. Gree...

